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Services -

Document Examination Forensic Microscope analysis questioned documents

Examinations are conducted to determine the manner in which a document was prepared, by whom it was executed, when it was prepared and if changes have occurred since its production. Our areas of expertise cover:

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Facilities -

A high standard of professional service is maintained using a modern and fully equipped document laboratory. A wide variety of documents are routinely submitted to our laboratory for analysis on equipment including the:

Another service offered is the intercomparison of inks using Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). Using this process allows for the accurate discrimination of ink formulas and reduces the possibility of false matches of ink samples from different sources or incorrect differentiation of ink samples with a common origin.

Our laboratory has the Haas Atlas of Typewriter Typestyles. This Atlas consists of type specimens and dates of production of all typewriter typefaces from about 1920. The Atlas is used as an aid in typewriter comparisons by typestyle identification and dating of typewritten documents. It is the most comprehensive reference collection available and is up dated on a regular basis.

The Typewriter Typestyle Classification Program (C:\TYPE) developed by Dr Phil Bouffard is also used in conjunction with the Haas Atlas of Typewriter Typestyles as a further aid in typewriter examinations.

No other laboratory in Australia has all these resources to conduct such a comprehensive examination of typewriter typestyles.

Our other reference collections include:

Total confidentiality on all matters is assured.